GlyMed Plus Alpha Therapeutic Ultimate Body Scrub

GlyMed Plus Alpha Therapeutic Ultimate Body Scrub


The very best body scrub! It’ll give you dolphin-vibe, ultra smooth skin! It’s not only ideal for anyone looking for smooth, hydrated skin - it’s also a fantastic treatment if you are looking to address hyperpigmentation, skin losing elasticity, or keratosis pilaris (KP). Plus it has a lovely, refreshing minty scent.

Alpha Therapeutic Ultimate Body Scrub is an energizing formula infused with ultra fine jojoba beads and alpha hydroxy acids, excellent for removing dry skin from elbows, knees, legs, and feet. Stimulating cellular turnover, this tingling blend of natural essential oils and botanical ingredients produces a visible and textural change after one use.

Recommended for: Dry and Normal

  • I know many ingredients used for exfoliating can be too abrasive. What is the source in this body scrub

    The exfoliation properties in this stimulating body wash come from ultra fine jojoba beads. These beads are not overly abrasive and break down as they are worked leaving the skin smoother and softer.

  • What an exhilarating experience in the morning shower. Can you tell me what ingredients give this product its invigorating scent?

    Alpha Therapeutic Ultimate Body Scrub has many natural botanicals but the ones that give it that stimulating fragrance include Spearmint, Peppermint, Clove, and Ginger extracts.

  • Is this product safe for pregnant or breastfeeding moms?

    Yes, this product is safe to use during pregnancy/breastfeeding

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