Hairline Restoration


Scalp Microblading

For women and men experiencing thinning hair primarily at the frontal hairline, we offer semi-permanent microblading to hide areas of visible scalp, particularly at the temples. We recommend this service only in very specific cases, for example where client is experiencing hormonal hair loss (where hair is likely to grow back, as in post-pregnancy) and/or has a consistent hairstyle, etc. It is also a good option to add in along with hair density correction SMP.


How will it look?

Unlike scalp micropigmentation where we deposit tiny follicle-sized dots of pigment or density correction where we sometimes shade the scalp, scalp microblading mimics hair strokes with a very sharp, thin needle like device. As such, it is not as undetectable as SMP up close. However for clients with a fair amount of natural hair, it’s a very affordable and immediate option for disguising areas along the hairline where fuller hair is desired. In order for the hairline strokes to blend in with the natural hair, our technician will closely colour match the strokes to the roots of the client’s hair. Also, the client will style her/his hair in a similar fashion each day, so that the microbladed strokes run similarly to their hair.


Why choose Hairline Microblading?

Hairline microblading results are at its best when the area is thinning but not completely bald. Our technician can carefully match the pigment to your root colour and you can expect it to last for 12-18 months before requiring a touch up.



To ensure that the client will be happy with the results of microblading to add fullness to the hairline, we invite you to book a complimentary consultation so that we can examine your hair to see if this service would be a great fit and answer your questions.  Prices start at $850+/session

Naomi Chan