Restorative Tattooing

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Scar Camouflage / Revision

Before we can begin working to improve the appearance of any scars, it is very important that they are fully healed - in most cases, this means that they are at least 8 months old and no longer reddish in colour. Using micropigmentation and/or dry needling (collagen induction therapy), we can help scars lay more smoothly and blend in with the surrounding skin.


Stretch Mark Camouflage

Everyone’s got stretchmarks - and we agree they can be beautiful just as they are… But if this is something that bothers you, we can help significantly minimize their appearance. In about 2-4 short sessions, we can help you achieve smoother looking skin.


Areola Restoration

We offer this service for women and men who have experienced breast cancer or other surgeries to restore realistic areolas - both unilateral and bilateral.


Radiation Marker Revision

We offer this service free of charge. If you have radiation marker tattoos remaining from your cancer treatment, we will transform it to a brown freckle or a teeny tiny black heart or star - your choice!


Acne Scarring

We have many options to effectively address acne scarring - whether acne has left you with pitted skin, rolling scars or pigmentation. We recommend booking in for a complimentary consultation to discuss options for treatment.